
WTF! Dit is echt fucked up voor de Booster exploitanten zeg. In Frankrijk is er door één of andere reden een bakje uit een Booster (moderne kermisattractie) geflikkerd en nu zijn alle Boosters in Nederland gesloten (ik weet niet precies hoe het in de rest van Europa zit al kan in me voorstellen dat ze in ieder geval ook in Frankrijk niet meer draaien). Nou geef ik meteen toe dat ik het nieuws niet echt nauwkeurig volg de laatste tijd en dus ben ik niet precies op de hoogte van de precieze details omtrend deze enigzins betreurenswaardige maar daarom ook niet minder spannede gebeurtenis.

Nou vind ik wel alleen dat als de reden waarom dat karretje uit de booster gepleurt is niet bekend is dat je het niet kunt maken om zomaar alle Boosters stil te leggen. God weet wat er gebeurt is en is er met de constructie zelf helemaal niets mis.

De ellende drong gek genoeg vanavond pas volledig tot me door toen ik hoorde dat er in Rosmalen (5km verderop) een Booster op de kermis staat die nu dus inderdaad niet kan draaien. Dat ding gaat blijkbaar rond met 110km per uur en is dus best wel spectaculair… En nu staat ‘ie gewoon stil… Wat een kutzooi. Continue reading “Boosters”


[Lyrics 1]
Meisje, weet je wel wat je met me doet
kan het niet beschrijven maar het is niet goed
je zit in mijn hoofd en in mijn hart
ik denk de hele tijd aan jou en als ik dat niet doe
dan is mijn wereld zwart

heel de dag op het werk zit je bij me op de vloer
maar ik doe geen moer
en natuurlijk komt er niets meer uit
als je weer eens voor me staat
omdat het voor mij is alsof ik met een engel praat

je bent mijn koningin

en als naar me kijkt krimp ik in
mijn hart gaat sneller en ik krijg een rood hoofd
het is je weer gelukt, het is weer eens zover
je hebt me zwaar verdoofd en toen mijn hart weggeroofd

als ik je ‘s-avonds on-line zie

zeg ik dingen waarvan ik nu denk zeg die nou maar nie
dan heb ik weer gezopen en ga ik zitten hopen
op iets wat nooit zal komen
en zal voor eeuwig verder blijven dromen

ik kan niets meer,
en durf niets meer,
en ik wil niets meer
wil alleen maar jou

ik kan niets meer,
en durf niets meer,
en ik wil niets meer
als alleen maar jou

ik kan niets meer,
en durf niets meer,
en ik wil niets meer
wil alleen maar jou

ik kan niets meer,
en durf niets meer,
en ik wil niets meer
als alleen maar jou

[Lyrics 2]
nu schrijf ik de rhymes, maak ik de beats
en spit ik die op die mic
maar ik krijg je niet uit mijn kop
toch zal ik deze shit moeten maken
want er zit gewoon niets anders op

en dus ga ik maar door vaak top diep in de nacht
achter mijn pc en mijn maten spitten mee
maar het is me om het even
zolang ik jou niet om me heen heb
en nog langer door moet met het leven

als we dan weer uren lullen met elkaar
loert voor mij elke keer weer het gevaar
dat je me steeds meer gaat zien als vriend
en dan uiteindelijk liefde bij iemand anders vind

en het is stom, ik weet het, maar voel nu al de pijn
van het moment, als het ooit eens zo gaat zijn
dat jij definitief uit mijn dromen bent
een aan me denkt in de armen van een andere vent


[Lyrics 3]
de derde dag, het derde couplet
hier zit ik dan met een berg kleren op mijn bed
te spitten als een gek, zo nu en dan een joint in mijn bek
en ook al haalt het dan niets uit deze shit is wack

af en toe naar beneden voor koud bier
en straks is het weer weekend dan ga ik voor plezier
in de stad, in de kroeg, in een park of gewoon thuis
in mijn eigen bioscoop met een DVD voor de buis

maar zonder jou is het niet wat het had kunnen zijn
en zal het altijd lijken of er iets ontbreekt
als een lied zonder refrein
een kleur die verbleekt
of een vogel die zijn vleugels breekt

ik maak dit niet zomaar
ik maak het voor jou
je bent mijn muze
en laat me dingen doen
waarvan ik nooit had gedacht dat ik ze kunnen doen zou
maar weet je, ik doe die shit alleen voor jou

[Chorus] Continue reading “Ik”


Well what’s done is done and nothing can be done about it anymore. I’ve lost some stuff that will be missed but also a lot of stuff that was junk anyway.

So now I have a clean installation again and after a short tag fight between me teaming up with the Triple Head2Go and Windows teaming up with the SyncMaster 940n monitor drivers, I and the Triple Head 2Go came out victorious. Now I’m finally able to use my other two screens too. I was getting slightly anxious though as reboot after reboot Windows kept refusing to span the desktop across all of my screens. Finally I got rid of the SyncMaster drivers and replaced them with the generic Plug-and-Play monitor. This appeared to be the final blow and Windows finally gave in.

Of course I have absolutely no useful software whatsoever. Two thirds of my hard drive I still have to reclaim because windows fucked up my boot loader. I’m using #@#$ Internet Explorer as a browser right now… What the fuck am I doing!? But at least my computer is fast again, and the desktop and start menu feel seem all new and shiny now that they are not cluttered up by hundreds of useless shortcuts. I am gonna install Firefox right after I finish typing this though because I’m writing this without the trusty spellchecker plugin and that really just sucks. Continue reading “back”


I’m no man of backups. I rely on hope, manufacturer quality assurances and my own strong will to keep things from breaking down. This usually works quite well but unfortunately Windows XP slipped from my mind claw tonight and finally managed to damage its own boot record.

I must confess that it was not completely out of the blue. Windows tried to warn me yesterday and the day before as my computer recovered from serious error after serious error.

Tonight tough, it somehow escaped my superhuman powers that can shape technology in any form and some unfortunate bits were allocated in a spot were they don’t belong. After I tried to reboot to my Windows partition it would only respond with a pathetic beep and after a few more reboots I accepted defeat and went to fetch the installation disk.

Twenty minutes later my Windows partition is reformatted and Windows has been re-installed. I cannot get into FreeBSD anymore because the master boot record has been overwritten as a result. And I lost a bunch of pretty important stuff that cannot easily be recreated (beats, raw music files and recordings). I also learned a valuable lesson about making backups though.

Fortunately there is also a lot of stuff that is not gone. This is more due to the spreading of risk (across multiple harddisks) than to my preservation skills. Now I’m waiting for the essential Windows updates to finish and then I’m gonna try re-activating the Thriple Head 2Go. At least I won’t loose any data this time if it screws up. Continue reading “well”


Fourty years of Phantasialand requires a celebration and when it is at one of our favorite theme parks we have to be there! So after taking the Friday off from work me and my brother set out for Phantasialand once again. We left home around ten which very late for us (usually when we go to PHL we leave at seven) and also because of a few kilometers of stau near Bedburg we arrived there finally at noon.

Due to us being so late I was wondering how busy the park would be but surprisingly it wasn’t and you could hardly tell that there would be a party that night. It was very relaxing though to spend a quiet day in the park while having a pick at the rides. We spent a good deal of the day playing with the cameras on our new mobile phones and we revisited several rides while my brother tried to get the best on-ride possible with his one. I left the big cam in the bag for most of the day and (as promised) I took quite a lot of pictures with my phone cam instead but unfortunately a lot of them were screwed up. Some turned out pretty nice though and I especially like the one below were one can finally get some kind of feel of Black Mamba’s track layout. The thing is so well hidden that it is really hard to grasp it. On this picture you can get a feeling of the scope of this coaster.


Unfortunately our favorite Corona drinking spot announced a Ruhetag but luckily we were able to score a couple of Coronas at the Hacienda.


Usually we don’t go to the Hacienda because it always seems so crowded but now that we know for sure that they have Corona we might visit them more often when it’s not too busy in the park.

After taking some more pictures around deep Africa we made our way via the back to Alt Berlin where we spend some more time lingering around, taking pictures and filming some of the entertainers doing their thing. Although it was pretty busy in that area (especially when compared to the rest of the park) there was also a heavy sense of peace and quietness and it was almost like everyone was heavily anticipating the party that was to start a few hours later.

During one of final rounds in the park we stumbled upon these Chinese acrobats and had to take the camera out to film them.

A few minutes before six o’clock a few girls came up to us asking if we were wanted to buy some tickets for the night… Blissfully unaware that we needed tickets we politely declined and went for another round in the park. The encounter made us think however and we inspected some of the celebration signs a little more carefully this time. Then it started to dawn on us and after seeing most of the attractions and stands closing we went straight to the Kundencenter im Westernstadt. There we confirmed that we indeed would be needing tickets to spend the evening in PHL but fortunately we were able to purchase them right at the spot and very cheap thanks to our PHL Funcards. The guy attending office was also pretty fluent in English which made matters considerably easier.

At the Kundencenter we also found out that the park would be closing at six only to re-open at seven. In reality the park opened around six thirty but it was very strange having to leave the park, wait outside for half an hour in order to re-enter. Strange as it was though, we were inside quick enough and pleasantly surprised to find that our favorite spot was once again open for business. We were happy to find Sabrina there too with a fresh bowl of Coronas.

Bowl of Coronas

Before we could even finish our beers properly I had to rush down in order to shoot some of the show that was already starting. I bluntly grabbed some of the free space in front of the stage despite the audience that had already gathered there and got ready for some serious filming… Unfortunately the stage was not high enough and some obnoxious staff members’ and photographers’ heads are appearing in my footage… I tried waving, yelling and finally cursing but in the end I had to make the best of what I got. I didn’t want to wait too long before uploading something so here is the first song of a three song Code Red session. It turned out alright but I have a lot of Code Red footage and didn’t really take the proper time to edit it the best way possible.

After hanging around the main stage for a while and shooting the most interesting stuff we made our way back into the park via the Westernstadt where for some kind of strange reason we were drawn into the bar. The lasso guy was just doing his amazing thing and we lingered there afterwards waiting for the band Crossfire to appear.

TODO: Insert lasso guy and Crossfire movies

We had a great time listening to the sweet country of Crossfire and watching the line dancers while waiting for it to get dark outside. Well it is not really that we intended to wait for it to get dark but it was just so gezellig that it ended up that way. By the way, it was a very pleasant surprise to be served drinks so punctually in a theme park. Usually you will have to put in a lot of effort yourself.

A few moments of awe courtesy of the lights in Phantasialand later, we slowly made our way to China were we again stumbled into a pretty hot entertainment act. I was hesitating to upload this footage at first but then again… I didn’t tell here to wear that… Damn, Phantasialand entertainment is sweet.

After that we made our way round the Colorado Express but soon found out the park had gotten so busy that doing any rides would be too much of an investment of our time so we walked on and spent some time taking pictures deep in Africa. Most of the pictures taken in Africa suck because there was not enough light so they turned out very grainy… Fortunately, at least some pictures from Alt Berlin turned out decent enough to post them.

Dress of Lights 2

Then to our surprise it turned out to be a little past eleven already so made our way back to Sabrina. When we were having our drink the last show started but as we had seen Code Red and Hot Banditos already two times we didn’t bother to go down to have another look. Later on though James Smith appeared and even though I completely do not know him I went down to get some movies.

When he was done he went on to announce the fireworks so we made our way to a good spot in order to see and film it. My batteries were running very low at that time and was prepared to stop filming during the fireworks for multiple times if it were not for the Phantasialand staff members who were next to us and enthusiastically urging me to film on. I was even offered an power outlet to charge my batteries but I was stupid enough to think that two full batteries were enough and left the adapter at home. In the end my camera sucked the very last energy out of my batteries and I kept on filming till the display went black.

After the fireworks we waited in the park while most of the people fought their way to the exits. From our position at the restaurant we could nicely oversee the traffic leaving our parking lot at the Mexico side of the park and when it cleared up a little bit we too made our way back to the car. After we eventually found it (it wasn’t even parked far away from the entrance) and a brief scare because it seemed to be missing for a few minutes the wheels of the Calibra were once again grinding the pebbles in of the parking lot in Phantasialand, the rap was pumping out of the speakers and we were heading back home.

Continue reading “Geburtstag”


A little over two hours ago we came back from Phantasialand to celebrate its 40th birthday. And although we arrived very late we ware able to spend over twelve hours there and had a great time. During daytime the park was not very busy and during the night it was buzzing with excitement. I really need to go to sleep now but when I wake up I will post more. Continue reading “40”


Hey F! When I realized it was your birthday today I couldn’t resist writing this. Don’t worry though, I’ve given up long ago 😉

You still accelerate my heart
You make my will last longer
And every moment I’m not with you
My desire for you grows stronger

Oh, and BTW, I must be getting senile here… Was sure I saw your birthday mentioned on a blog of someone very dear to me but when I just went looking for it I couldn’t find it anymore… Either the post is gone (not likely), I’m not seeing it (plausible) or I fucked up the publish date and am posting this at completely the wrong point in time (very likely)…

Somehow, it being exactly one month before my birthday seems right but maybe I just dreamed this up…
Continue reading “Happy”


Just a quick note to let everyone know that my blog is back in business!

A lot of thanks go to Sven who has watched the whole migration process like a hawk and made sure that nothing took even a single second longer than strictly required!

The Talocan movie in this post has nothing to do with this post but I’m having some embedded video problems right now and I wanted a quick test… Continue reading “Chances”