
Today I spent a few hours updating my installed ports for FreeBSD. Using the portupgrade command almost everything went as smooth as can be but it failed on the Xorg client and Xterm. This may have something to do with the fact that I had those two running during the upgrade… I’m nut sure but it seems to make sense. So I got out of X and first upgraded the Xorg client and then Xterm and now every installed port is up-to-date again. Continue reading “Portupgrade”


After getting Slime with CMUCL I wanted it to work in XP Professional on my company laptop too. So after fooling around with Cygwin and it’s GNU Emacs and CLISP packages to no avail I switched to the Win-32 binaries of both Emacs and CLISP. I apparently got as far as Peter Seibel – who is, ironically, the author of (the free book) Practical Common Lisp which I’m using for to teach myself this language.

I’m not sure where I read it but someone suggested Lisp in a Box so I decided to give it a try. First time I ran Emacs running “M-x slime” gave me “invalid argument” but this was quickly solved by deleting the old .emacs file that was still hanging around in the C:\ directory. Now slime starts up beautifully: “Take this REPL, brother, and may it serve you well.” Continue reading “Lisp”


Some people just bring out the best in me…

Usually I take my work home with me. That is, after I arrive home my laptop has usually rebooted before I even take off my coat. However, today I’ve lost the spirit for the current project because “the powers that be” deny us the opportunity to program in an explorative way and like to organize 2 meetings a week each taking up a whole workday only to blame us later for the fact that we did not meet our sprint target for that week. Don’t get me wrong, I’m in for a good discussion but all in good measure please.

So now I don’t have the urge to work at home anymore and thus can devote my full attention to gaming and personal (development) projects. Additionally I’ve also almost completely lost my motivation for the project in question so nobody has to worry about me showing any signs of enthousiasm for it anymore. I can promise this: no more refactoring and I will try to cram as much logic into the database as possible.

By the way, thanks to these new developments at my favorite place to be I had to create a whole new category for my blog… There. Happy now? Continue reading “At”


I tried to get this lisp web server running a few days ago but to no avail. However, it seems I’m currently “in the zone” because after getting Apache up and running earlier I now managed to also get Araneida to run (relatively easy it was). Again, thanks to a little help from google and another newbie discussing the same problem here.

Here’s my full Emacs transcript, after this I was able to go to http://localhost:8000/hello to run the example (using did not work):

[lisp]; SLIME 2005-04-27
CL-USER> (asdf:operate ‘asdf:load-op ‘araneida)
; loading system definition from /home/bas/.sbcl/systems/araneida.asd into
; # ; registering # as ARANEIDA
; loading system definition from /home/bas/.sbcl/systems/split-sequence.asd
; into # ; registering # as SPLIT-SEQUENCE
; loading system definition from /home/bas/.sbcl/systems/net-telent-date.asd
; into # ; registering # as NET-TELENT-DATE
CL-USER> (compile-file “~bas/araneida-version-0.90.1/doc/example.lisp”)
; Evaluation aborted
CL-USER> (compile-file “/usr/home/bas/araneida-version-0.90.1/doc/example.lisp”)
; compiling file “/usr/home/bas/araneida-version-0.90.1/doc/example.lisp” (written 02 DEC 2005 05:51:58 PM):
; compiling (DEFUN MY-FQDN …)
; compiling (DEFVAR *DEMO-URL* …)
; compiling (DEFVAR *LISTENER* …)
; compiling (LET (#) …)
; compiling (LET* (#) …)

; /usr/home/bas/araneida-version-0.90.1/doc/example.fasl written
; compilation finished in 0:00:00
CL-USER> (load “/usr/home/bas/araneida-version-0.90.1/doc/example.fasl”)
CL-USER> (in-package :my-araneida-example)
# MY-ARANEIDA-EXAMPLE> (start-listening *listener*)
Continue reading “Araneida”


Mmm… I didn’t expect to have these troubles getting Apache 2.2.0 to run on FreeBSD. At first, I couldn’t even get it to build because it failed fetching an image (gif) file. So I updated the ports collection and luckely this did the trick. The rest of the install went fine but I couldn’t get the daemon to run. Checking the logs I noticed configuration failed on mod_unique with:

[alert] (EAI #) hostname nor servname provided, or not known:
mod_unique_id: unable to find IPv4 address of ####

After a quick search google came up with this and the suggestion to comment out the mod_unique line in httpd.conf also did the trick for me.

Continue reading “Apache”