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oblivion – The Chances Are Nil


Late to the Party

As the rest of the world has moved on the bigger, better and other ventures I find myself at the party somewhat late as I find myself playing TES4: Oblivion more and more. I can still clearly remember when The Elder Scrolls: Arena came out but unfortunately never got around to play it at that time. I dabbled with Morrowind for the PC last year but found myself lost and wandering and never really got into it. Now that I seriiously invested some hours into Oblivion everything has changed.

Might and Magic

My main reference point for this game is Might and Magic VI. I also played VIII and a little bit of VII but there are few games I remember so fondly as Might and Magic VI. Countless hours have I invested in that game and it still feels like I played it yesterday. I would like to play it very much but sadly, when you look at the graphics nowadays you can see that they have not aged well and they were never really that great to begin with. Take a look now if you like but be warned – it’s not pretty.

Apart from the graphics though, the similarities between TES and M&M are obvious. One of the big differences is that in M&M you play a party of four (or five) and in TES you play a single person. But apart from that there are the skills, skill points, attributes, classes, races, levels, magic schools. There’s also the fame factor in both games and the villages with their castles and chapels. There’s also the one main quest (which you may or may not do to your liking) and the subquests which are all immediately accessible. Of course, there is also the huge overworld and uncountable dungeons and lairs hidden in the wilderness between the towns and villages.

Have no Clue

My first try was a disaster. My preferred way of playing is to get in close and just to hack and slash the enemy to death in blind rage. I should’ve just picked an Orc or Redguard. Maybe a Nord or Imperial but being stoned I decided that a Khajit would probably suit my excellent thieving style of play perfectly. A Khajit would be perfect for a thief but unfortunately I’m not. It was during noon that I left the sewers and of course saw the glimmering ruins of Vilverin at the other side of Rumare. Not too much of a swim I took the plunge to investigate. Unfortunately a bandit was waiting for me on the other side and after exchanging a few blows I decided that it would be better to run like the coward I am. So I ran and ran and swum to the other side of Rumore again but the damn bastard followed me of course. In the end I was slaughtered like a piglet and decided to do some reading before venturing out of the sewers for a second time.



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