
Let me say right off the bat that putting them head on with eachother is unfair to both. You really can’t compare these two consoles because of the huge difference between te two. The difference is mostly on the Wii side of the comparison though.

– design
– base package
– controllers
– playability
– game selection
– future


The Wii is chibi without looking Toyish. The design reminds me of Apple designs and it is carried through all the way to the controlleres, accesoires and game boxes and packaging. I really like the fact that it is so small and when placed on its side it hardly takes up any room at all. I don’t like the fact that there is no main power switch. It is on or in standby. There are numerous standby modes and WiiConnect24 is definitely the worst. I fried a Wii by just having this mode turned on.

I’m not really fond of the PS3 design. When you have the thing flat on its back it looks especially hideous. It is somewhat better when you place it on its side but then you don’t really get to see the sleek lettering on the side (top) which is arguably the best part of the design. It has a main power switch on the back, which is great, but on the front there are these touchy buttons to operate it. I don’t like these in general but luckely you don’t have to use them. When main power is on with the switch on the back you can just slide in a disc or use a controller to activate the system.


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