
Continued from part II.

During my vacation I spent a good deal of the first week fighting with myself to commit to either one of those girls and show some action for once. The first thing I did was to place myself in a different perspective, not the undeserving pitiful piece of human that was but a I-can-do-everything-if-I-want-to kinda guy. From this perspective I can accomplish everything and it solves a few loose ends but then there is the question of whom to pursue.

You suddenly find yourself in an awkward situation because when you deem yourself all-capable; there are some difficult decisions to make. For me though, the decision was pretty much made – I just had to convince myself. “There was that evening though, when she danced. That was unbelievable.” So yes, the dancing did it even though I remained ever in doubt.

Continues with part IV.


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