The whole story will follow later but for now I just want to post a quick reminder to myself about a “su” problem I just finally solved.

After installing 6.0 when first trying to “su” I got the “Sorry” (Bad SU etc…) error so I messed around with the rights on the “su” binary (/usr/bin/su). After this I got “su: not running setuid”. So I added the user-to-su to the wheel group (/etc/group). No sigar. Finally, another google with “su: not running setuid” lead me to this: “Make sure /usr/sbin/su is suid root (and /usr isn’t mounted nosuid)”. So I mounted /usr with explicit “suid”. Still, no succes. At last, I went back to that link and noticed the “/usr/sbin/su is suid root” part… Another quick google lead me to this:

  1. Log in as root
  2. cd to the directory where the program file lives
  3. chown root:bin file_name
  4. chmod 4775 file_name (that will do only the suid and not both suid and guid)

And after executing this lot on the “su” binary I finally was able to “su” from my “working” user…. Geez… It’s secure but a hassle. Though, when you finally find out how it works it’s pretty rewarding.


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